
The Psycology of Color


Colors and Their Meaning



Color is one of the most important elements of a website. Check out the tips and tricks below to get a better understanding of color and how to create a website everyone will love!

  1. Be Sure it Fits Fith Your Website's Mood: Color can be the difference between failing and succeeding. You don't want to give the wrong impression to your users when they first see your website.
  2. Try and Use Brighter Colors: Sticking to the brighter side of the color wheel benefits most web designers. For example, if you don't want to discourage your users or give the wrong impression, don't do this. Generally when trying to prevent self-harm, you should stay way from dark colors.
  3. Consider Your Audience: Sometimes it is important to consider the people you are trying to address, so be aware of what colors are and are not appropriate in their culture.For example, while in western countries the color Black represents luxury and boldness. In Indian culture, however, the same color represents evil, negativity, and lack of energy.