Microsoft PowerPoint

Performance Exam


What do I want to be when I grow up...



          1.) An  opening slide with your baby picture and the above title.

                2.) Information about your career.

                                You must include:

                                                Job outlook (what is the availability, will I be able to get a job)

                                                Salaries (starting, average, top end)

                                                Job description (what will I do, good and bad points)

                                                Why you chose this profession

                                                Bonus: Famous individuals in this profession

                3.) A selection of colleges (2) that offer courses in your profession that lead to a degree in  your chosen vocation.

                                You must include:

                                                Picture of the logo or mascot

                                                Information on the location...


                                                                Highlights (sight seeing etc.)

                                                Courses (general outline of types of courses

                                                Years for degree



                                                                Room and board

                                                A graph that compares the tuition and room and board of your two colleges

                4.) A series of slides representing your resume.

                                You must include:

                                                Current picture

                                                Current credits, organizations, qualifications for the job

                                                Prior  job experience

                                                Why employers should hire you

                5.) A closing slide with a catchy closing to remember you  by...