Weight Room Policies

1.  Students may only lift in the weight room if an employee of the school district  or a
     supervisor that has been given authority  by the administration to run the weight room
     is present.

2.  Only high school students are permitted to use the weight room.

3.  You must have a workout program, and follow it.

4.  If you have an injury that in any way inhibits a portion of your workout, you must see a doctor or a
     physical therapist and receive a written slip explaining the injury  and therapy.

5.  Any injury that occurs in the weight room should be reported immediately to the weight coach.  He
     will then instruct you on what actions to take, or escort you to the school nurse for treatment.

6.  Lifters are required to use collars once there is more than one plate on the end of the bar.

7.  Lifters are required to use spotters on every set after the initial warm-up set.

8.  Move weights from the racks to the bars only.  Never set them on the floor or lean them against

9.  Strip all bars immediately after use.  Return dumbbells to rack in the proper order.

10.  Keep bars and weights off the vinyl at all times to prevent tearing.

11. Food ,drink, gum, tobacco, and toothpicks are not permitted.

12. Walkmans are allowed on the exercise bikes and stair climbers only.

13. Spitting in or defacing the facility is not tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion.

14. Horseplay will not be tolerated.

15. The coaches office and telephone are off limits to athletes, unless permission to use them is given.

16. The strength and conditioning staff is not responsible for holding personal items.

17. Follow all instructions given by the coaches.

18. Failure to follow any of the policies could result in loss of Weight Room privileges.

19. Showers are required on activity days.

20. As of this time no strength enhancing chemicals legal or illegal will be allowed in the school or
      weight room.  To bring legal supplements into the school either a signed permission slip from
      your doctor or parent must be turned into the office.

I, __________________________, have read the Weight Room policies and hereby agree to follow
them.  I also acknowledge that failure to comply with these policies may result in loss of Weight Room
                  Date:___/___/___           Revised  01/22/98