Website Color Symbolism


Color Symbolism
Red Red symbolizes strength, danger, violence, and aggression.
Pink Pink symbolizes romance, acceptance, calm and caring.
Beige and ivory Beige symbolizes calm and simplicity. Ivory symbolizes quietness, and pleaseantness.
Yellow Yellow symbolizes joy, optimism, summer, gold, jealousy, and hazard.
Dark Blue Dark blue symbolizes knowledge and power.
Blue Blue symbolizes peace, cold, stability, trust, technology, depression, and loyalty.
Turquoise Turquoise symbolizes calmness and a lighter version of turquoise has a feminine appeal.
Purple Purple symbolizes royalty, nobility, ceremony, cruelty, honor, and temperance.
Lavender Lavender symbolzies feminitity, grace, and elegance.
Orange Orange symbolizes energy, balance, warmth, vibrant, and flamboyant.
Green Green symbolizes nature, healthy, good luck, jealousy, service, and envy.
Brown Brown symbolizes earth, hearth, home, outdoors, comfort, and endurance.
Grey Grey symbolizes security, reliablity, modest, dignity, maturity, conservative, and sadness.
White White symbolizes reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, innocence, and clinical.
Black Black symbolizes power, formality, elegance, wealth, myster, fear, evil, detachment, and mourning