Colors on Webpages

Dominant Colors

Choosing a good dominant color for your website or anythng you're designing is very imprortant and can be a tough process. Take the brand Coca-Cola for example, they didn't choose the color red just because it looked good, there were other reasons why they decided on red. The red color makes it stand out on the shelves and when people see the color red, it triggers emotions like excitement, boldness, love, and passion.

Like the red for Coca-Cola, your dominant color will bring out emotions in people. If you have a logo, then stick to those primary colors on that logo. This color is what your audience will remember you or your website as.


Colors Representation
Green Represents wealth, health, and nature
Yellow Represents youthfulness and optimism
Orange Represents friendliness and creativity
Red Represents passion, energy, and danger
Pink Represents feminie and romance
Purple Represents royalty, wealth, and wisdom
Blue Represents trust, security, and peace
Gray Represents neutral, calm, and logic
Black Represents power and luxury



Connie. (2019, November 19). How to Choose Good Website Color Schemes (Nov 2019). Retrieved from