How to: Dragon Ball FighterZ - Basics

This is Dragon Ball FighterZ. Dragon Ball FighterZ is a fighting game using the characters and story of the anime Dragon Ball. It is known to be a competitive game, or an eSport. There are a lot of elements in Dragon Ball FighterZ, some of them being shown in the HUD. Click on any part of the HUD to get some info on them, or you can use the elements list to the left.

The Health Bar

The health bar is fairly self explanitory. It's how much health your character has. If it runs out, your character gets knocked out and can't be used for the rest of the match (unless revived by the Dragon Balls). There are two types of health:

  • Actual Health
    • This is the actual health you are at. This bar is green if you're at full health and yellow if you're damaged at all.
  • Healable health
    • This health is represented by a blue bar that's next to your actual health. This is how much health you can heal up to by either switching out or using your sparking. But be careful, because if you switch out or get forced into another character, the character that's getting switched in will lose all their blue health.

The Character

There is an array of 35 (and possibly more) characters to choose from in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Each character has a different set of moves that they use. Every character has at least these types of moves:

  • Light(L), Medium(M), Heavy(H), and Special(S) attacks (both Aerial and grounded)
  • Quarter-circle forward/backwards + L/M/H/S
    • Quarter-circle + H makes it EX, using one Ki Bar
  • Assist
  • At least 2 special moves
    • 1 uses one Ki Bar, 1 uses three Ki Bar.
    • Some characters have add-ons to their specials to make it use two or five ki bars.
  • Reflect (Backwards + S)
  • Superdash
    • This is pretty much a homing attack to your opponent. But be careful, if you use it half-hazardly, you'll be open to a counterattack.
  • Dragon Rush
    • This attack hit your opponent even if they're blocking. Once again, be careful because you can counter it by hitting any attack button, and it also has a slow startup.

The Ki Bar

The Ki Bar is like a "super bar" in other fighting games. The Ki bar is what lets you use certain moves, such as EX Quarter-Circle moves or Special Moves. The max amount of Ki Bars you can have is Seven. If you have all of the Dragon Balls and have seven Ki Bars, you can summon shenron to grant you one wish.

The Dragon Balls

The Dragon Balls aren't shown in this picture, but they are usually in between the ki bars of the two players. The Dragon Balls are obtained by doing combos that have a certain amount of hits in them. The numbers on this list is which Dragon Ball you get for each combo.

    1. 10-19 hits
    2. 20-29 hits
    3. 30-39 hits
    4. 40-49 hits
    5. 50-59 hits
    6. 60-69 hits
    7. 70+ hits

70+ hits is a challenge, but as one goes on, they start to realize that getting the middle parts is more of a challenge. There are four wishes that can be granted to you by Shenron.

    • Restore my health
      • This one is self explanitory. It heals the character you are playing as to full health.
    • Revive my ally
      • This one revives an ally with 20% health back.
    • Give me the ultimate power
      • This one makes your Ki Bar at max and gives you a second sparking.
    • Make me immortal
      • This one is complicated. You regenerate all blue health for your entire team, and auto-restore your super meter.

The Allies

Each team has 3 characters, and when you run out of characters, you lose. There are three positions in the game:

  • Point
    • You want this character to be a character with not too good of an assist, but good combos and frame data.
  • Mid
    • You want this character to be a good middleground between the point and the anchor. It should be a character with a good assist and good combos and things, but not a good comeback if you were to be left with this character only.
  • Anchor
    • You want this character to be the backbone of the team, it's usually a character you're really good at playing or is really high tier. You want them to have a good assist and good comeback potential if you were to be left with this character only.