How to Create Appealing Websites

What all goes into creating a website? Lots of coding and effort, sure, but a good website should also have thought put into its design. Your website might contain the world's most interesting information, but if it's hard to look at or navigate people will steer clear of it. A good website has equal focus on content and visual appeal to create the best viewing experience possible.

The three most important aspects of your website's design are layout, navigation, and color.  Your page should lead the reader’s eyes through the content without jarring breaks and use white space to its advantage. Good web design has navigation that’s easy to find and understand on your website. Colors also play a huge role into someone’s viewing experience. No one wants to look at a neon page or a page that’s completely black and white. If you can properly incorporate all three aspects your site will be not only more appealing, but also more functional. You can learn more in-depth about these topics by visiting the other sites I’ve made about this subject.


