Top 5 Windows Shortcuts

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Ctrl + N

One of the most used aspects of any type of competer is entering info into a document. Using the command Ctrl + N, you have the ability to open a document instantly. The type of program does not matter what so ever, if you're needing to open a new doc or old one, you can do so instantly.


Ctrl + U

Underlining something is a very helpful tool when trying to show useful data or rememeber something. This command allows you to underline anything at the touch of a command. Once again, time is always money and saving time is always a good idea.

Click on the underline image to learn more.


Ctrl + F4

Finally an easy command to help you close a bunch of windows at once. When using Ctrl + F4 this closes all your windows on the screen at once and is helpful for when the bell is about to ring for the end of class and you need close up everything quick.



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More Citations:

Tiwari, Rajendra. “Keyboard Shortcuts and System Commands for Popular Programs.” TurboFuture, 22 Dec. 2017,

Norman, Harvey. “Microsoft Keyboard.” Harvey Norman,

“Print Screen.” Teton Science Schools Helpdesk, 11 July 2019,

“Underline Picture.” Wikimedia Commons,